Eliminate Multitasking 4312

Eliminate Multitasking

Many people think doing numerous tasks at once makes them more productive, but it doesn’t. Multiple studies show that switching between tasks often makes us less productive and increases our risk of making mistakes, especially when the tasks are complicated and call for our active attention. Multitasking clutters our thinking.

To declutter your mind, stop trying to do too many things simultaneously. Focus on one thought or one task a time so you can give it the attention it deserves. This will help you do it properly (if it’s a task) or work through it and let it go (if it’s a thought), so you can clear your to-do list or your mind.

Think about when you multitask. Is it at work, at home, or both? Instead of browsing social media on your phone while you watch TV, choose one or the other. Instead of charting as you talk to a colleague, get your chart updated first and then have a conversation.

John Wooden made a wise point when he said, “If you don’t have time to do it right the first time, when will you have time to do it over again?”

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Blog Challenge Tips 01/25/2023 12:17pm CST

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